The CSEd Botswana aims to recruit computer science education expertise and funding from relevant stakeholders internationally and locally to partner with the government and assist it in implementing Computer Science education in Botswana schools and making it a fundamental part of its education system.
We will span four years by focusing on helping the government increases access to ICT infrastructure in schools, quality computer science curriculum, teacher professional development, and increasing students’ participation.

How can Botswana make Computer Science a fundamental part of its education system?
Establish a systemic and sustainable process that engages all stakeholders in developing and implementing computer science education throughout Botswana
Key Objective and Activities
In the past few years, the United States (US) has put considerable resources into expanding computer science education into the K-12 schools. Given the educational structures in the US, this work has been concentrated at the state level.
A project funded by the National Science Foundation, ECEP (Expanding Computing Education Pathways), has created a learning community among state leaders focused on the process of growing with policies and practices in support of the equitable growth of computer science education. The lessons learned from this USA project form the basis of the work proposed in our project and are adapted to the specific circumstances in Botswana. We aim to:

OUTREACH: Gather relevant local and international stakeholders from the Botswana government, organizations, and universities (internationally or locally) to support the project and increase awareness of the current computer science education work in Botswana, communicate the national plan, and receive feedback from a variety of stakeholders as well as recruit new stakeholders and funders.
DIVERSITY AND BROADENING PARTICIPATION: Increase the students’ participation in senior secondary CS from 5% to 15% by the end of the four years.
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT: Assist the ministry of education in review and implementation of their Computer Science curriculum for primary and secondary grade level by the end of year one.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Ensure teachers are qualified to teach new curriculum through frequent short courses of professional development. The aim is to have trained at least 50% of the teachers with 15% of the teachers enrolling each year for four years.
ICT INFRASTRUCTURE: Advocate for ICT infrastructure in schools such that 50% of the schools have the capacity to support Computer Science education by the end of four years.
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